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Our mission is to help students at Cornell explore different research opportunities and obtain a lab position, with a focus on finding a good fit for each individual.

Mentees are matched in small groups to an upperclassman mentor who is experienced and knowledgeable in their research field of interest. The mentor is a resource for students to provide guidance throughout the entire process of finding, joining, and succeeding in a research group.


The Peer Mentorship Program (PMP) holds G-body presentations and workshops to walk through the nuances of applying to research groups as well as general research career development. These meetings also serve as an opportunity for mentees to ask their mentor any questions that arise as they go through the application process.

Peer Mentorship Program session in Goldwin Smith Hall

General Meeting Times

Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30pm ET. All meetings are now virtual. Presentations and workshops are held on alternating weeks.Types of research labs that students can join: Biological Sciences, Organizational Behavior, Chemistry etc. We welcome mentees with interests in any subject! Our mentors have diverse academic focuses spanning the physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

Mentee Responsibilities:

Mentees are expected to attend weekly meeting and maintain open communication with their mentors. The program is designed to help you!


Mentor Responsibilities:

  • Lead and advise 4 - 8 undergraduate students on how to get involved in research in your field of study

  • Attend G-bodies and workshops

  • Hold at least 1 lab tour

  • Lead discussions and participate in research events

  • Develop relationships with other undergraduate students and professors in the research community

  • Provide support to all mentors and mentees in the program


You must be currently involved in a research group on campus to apply to be a mentor.

Professor Panel

The CURB Peer Mentorship Program also hosts the Professor Panel, a special event where a diverse group of principal investigators will answer your most important questions about their research, what they look for in an undergraduate candidate, how day to day operations in their group work, and any other curiosities you have! The Professor Panel is an excellent opportunity to gain insight on how to best prepare for undergraduate research. This event is open to the entire Cornell community and will take place during a regularly scheduled PMP meeting time.

Due to COVID-19, this 2021's Professor Panel was hosted over a Zoom Webinar, which we recorded and posted on our Youtube channel. If you are interested in listening to what was discussed, please check out our Youtube channel! 

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