CURBx is a semi-annual event where undergraduate researchers can share their work and ideas in a TEDx style presentation. We select five speakers who will be given 10-12 minutes to share their presentation and should be comfortable presenting to large audiences. This event gives undergraduates the opportunity to present via PowerPoint-style to their peers and professors. Anyone interested in learning more about this event should contact the CURBx Chair Liam Chelkowski at lac357@cornell.edu for more information.
8th Annual

CURBx Spring 2021 Speakers

David Frank '24

Narda Bondah '21

Erin Fleck '22
Viktoria Catalan '22
Hannah Master '23
Research on the effect of restaurant magician's performance and tips on the tips to the waitstaff.
Research on the effects of mitochondrial DNA mutations on the macrophage response to Listeria monocytogenes infection.
Research on using Fourier analysis of atomic-resolution images to identify different chemical structures in layered nanomaterials.
Research on the key role that beta-arrestin-1 (barr1) plays in pancreatic beta cell maintenance under type-2 diabetic conditions.
Research on the application of anthropological theory and the implications of understanding the experiences of socioeconomically disenfranchised ancient peoples.
CURBx Fall 2020
Last year, we had five amazing presenters share their research on a wide variety of topics, ranging from genetics to politics. Due to COVID-19, we hosted this event using a webinar via Zoom. We made sure to record this event, so people who were unable to attend could still catch up on what was presented. We hope you guys learned a lot from this experience and big thanks once again to our presenters for sharing their work!
If you missed our event, you can check out our YouTube channel or watch below!
CURBx Fall 2019

(from left to right): Camelia Wu, Amrit Hingorani, Clara Walton, Brian Lee (People's Choice Winner), Anabella Galang