Events 2021-2022
Fall 2021
09/08/21 6:00PM Info Session
09/11/21 3:00PM - 5:00PM Clubfest Booth
09/12/21 11:00PM - 5:00PM Clubfest Booth
09/12/21 11:59 PM App Deadline: PMP Mentor
09/16/21 11:59 PM App Deadline: PMP Mentee
09/20/21 11:59 PM App Deadline: E-board Member
10/02/21 10:30 AM Outreach Science Center
10/18/21 5:00 PM CURB PMP Humanities & Social Sciences Professor Panel
10/27/21 7:30PM Event: Grad School Demystified (PSB 120)
10/30/21 11:59PM App Deadline: CURBx Call for Speakers
11/03/21 11:59PM App Deadline: Symposium Call for Abstracts
11/19/21 5:00PM - 9:00PM Event: CURB Fall Forum 2021
Spring 2021
01/19/21 05:30 PM - 12:30 PM Event: Research Experiences for Undergraduates Panel with SACNAS
02/04/21 12:45 PM Event: Q-Week Panel - Getting Involved with Research at Cornell
02/13/21 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Virtual Clubfest Booth
02/13/21 11:59 PM App Deadline: PMP Mentor
02/14/21 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM Virtual Clubfest Booth
02/16/21 06:00 PM Event: CURB Connect - Human Biology
02/20/21 11:59 PM App Deadline: PMP Mentee
02/23/21 0:6:00 PM Event: CURB Connect - Data Science
03/03/21 07:00 PM Event: Grad School Workshop #1: Resume Building
03/11/21 06:00 PM - 7:30 PM Event: Perspectives on Graduate School with SACNAS
03/11/21 11:59 PM App Deadline: CURBx Spring 2021
03/17/21 07:00 PM Event: Grad School Workshop #2: Personal Statement/Interview
03/21/21 05:00 PM Event: Women in Research Panel with Scientista
03/28/21 11:59 PM App Deadline: Spring Symposium Abstract Submission
03/30/21 05:00 PM Event: CURB PMP Professor Panel: How to Find Research
03/31/21 06:00 PM Event: CURB Connect - Linguistics
03/31/21 07:00 PM Event: Grad School Workshop #3: General Q&A and "Office Hours"
04/06/21 11:59 PM App Deadline: FINAL Deadline for Spring Symposium Abstracts
04/07/21 06:00 PM Event: CURBx 2021
04/21/21 08:00 PM Event: CURB Connect - Physical Sciences
04/28/21 05:00 PM Event: CURB PMP Networking with Graduate Students
05/04/21 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM Event: Spring Symposium - Poster Session I
05/05/21 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM Event: Spring Symposium - Poster Session II
05/05/21 06:00 PM Event: CURB Connect - Animal Biology
05/06/21 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM Event: Spring Symposium - Poster Session III
05/06/21 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM Event: Spring Symposium - Keynote Speakers
05/07/21 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM Event: Spring Symposium - Invite-Only Finalist Round of Judging
05/08/21 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM Event: In Your Own Backyard - Being Mindful
All times and dates listed are in Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Since all our events will be hosted online, we recorded them and posted them on our Youtube channel. Click here to watch events!